
The management of VSI vests in the Board of Trustees (BoT) comprising 11 members headed by the Chairman, Shri.Sharadchandraji Pawar, Former Union Cabinet Minister, Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Government of India and Chairman of the Board of Trustees. All trustees are eminent personalities devoted to welfare of the farming community. The Governing Council (GC) comprising 40 members, supervises and monitors various functions of the Institute and gives directives for functioning of the Institute. Three committees of the Governing Council members assist the Governing Council in its overall functioning. Director General (DG), Shri.Shivajirao Deshmukh is the executive head of the organization and is responsible for implementing the decisions taken by the Governing Council.
To fulfill the objectives of the Institute, there are different technical divisions which work under the guidance of the Director General. Director General is assisted by the heads of various departments and their staff. All the research, training and development activities are undertaken in a coordinated manner and under one roof. Emphasis is therefore, given to interdisciplinary approach....
1. Board of Trustees (BoT)
2. Chairman, Shri.Sharadchandraji Pawar
3. The Governing Council (GC)
4. Director General (DG), Shri. Sambhaji Kadupatil
5. See Organization Structure