
Vasantdada Sugar Institutes Library is viewed Nationally and Internationally as a premier world resource of information for sugarcane development, sugar processing and engineering, by products etc. Its role is to gather, maintain and make accessible information especially on subjects includes Sugarcane Biotechnology, Sugar Processing with New techniques and Equipments, By Products such as Ethanol, Cogeneration, Sugar Policies, Trade etc. to the users of Library. With the help of library resources. A world class information services are being given to the users.
The role of VSI library in dissemination of information among the scientists and technical persons within the sugar and allied industry is important, which helped them to have good interactions with the other technologists, colleagues world wide at various national and international event and meetings and help them to share and exchange innovative views and remain updated in their field with modern trends in science and technology.
The library reference section is the hub of all activities of library reference services hence many requests for scientific and technical information recieved both from the country and often form abroad are dealt by the library and information centre.