Soil Science

Soil Science section of agricultural sciences and Technology Division of VSI established in 1986. The section has achieved significant success in research activities like site specific nutrient management, soil test crop response targeted yield approach, soil fertility management, GPS-GIS based soil fertility mapping, sulphur and silicon nutrition and formulation of agro-products. The section is engaged in development of organic sugarcane package, management of salt affected soil, use of humic acid and nanoformulation. This section also deals with training & extension services to the sugar mills on sugarcane development at micro level and disseminates the information on soil and fertilizer management practices to increase the average sugarcane productivity and sugar recovery. Efforts are taken to promote application of fertilizers through drip irrigation and foliar application in sugarcane for increasing fertilizer use efficiency keeping this in view the section has formulated the fertilizers like Multi-Micro-Nutrient, Multi-Macro-Nutrient Liquid Fertilizers for foliar application, VSI-Microsol for fertigation and soil application which are available to the farmers through sugar mills and also in the Institute.
1. Multi-Micro-Nutrient and Multi-Macro-Nutrient Liquid Fertilizers