Environmental Sciences

    An understanding of environmental sciences is important in a rapidly developing world so that development can occur with adequate planning to ensure sustainability. The department of environmental sciences seeks to foster this understanding through research, teaching/training and consultancy work. The department aims to assist by the sugar and distillery industry in overcoming the environmental problems faced by them by empowering future environmental managers through education and by conducting research, consultancies and outreach programs with direct implications for environmental management in this sector. The research endeavors of the department deal largely with the various environmental problems of the sugar and distillery industry including waste treatment and disposal. The teaching and training programs provide strong preparation for (1) employment in various environmental fields, (2) a focus on the reasoning, analysis and management skills that involve environmental processes; and (3) solutions to environmental problems through in-depth training in theory and applications. These include MSc and PhD programs in Environmental Sciences, short term training programs for industry personnel and sponsored programs from Central Pollution Control Board. As a part of outreach, the department participates in the National Environmental Awareness Programme of the Ministry of Environment and Forests every year. The consultancy services include environmental impact assessment, environmental audits, and preparation of project reports for establishment and up-gradation of effluent treatment plants, environmental monitoring and analysis...


1. MSc and PhD programs in Environmental Sciences

2. Consultancy Services