Environmental Science - Training

Environmental Training Programs

The department caters to the training needs of the industry by organizing regular and need based training courses.

Short Term Training for environmental personnel working in the sugar/distillery industry
The department organizes short term training program for environmental officers, chemists, ETP incharge and other environmental personnel working in the industry. This training is conducted in the month of June every year for a period of one week. In addition to this a training for ETP operators of one week duration was introduced few years ago after realizing the shortage of trained manpower in this sector. This training is conducted in Marathi/Hindi as per need and is an effort towards capacity building in this area.

CPCB training Programs
The department has been conducting residential trainings under the HRD programme of the Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi since 2010-11. The participants usually limited to 20, are mostly from the offices of Central Pollution Control Board and various State Pollution Control Boards across the country however some personnel from industry also participate. The details of the programs conducted till date include
1. Pollution Control and Waste Management in Sugar and Distillery Units (February 21-25, 2011)
2. CDM and Carbon Trading: Case Studies (January 31- February 02, 2012)
3. Zero Liquid Discharge in Agro-based Industries (January 14-18, 2013)
4. Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Industrial Sector (February 05-07, 2012)
5. Four R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover – Case Studies (January 05-07, 2016)
6. Environment Monitoring, control and implementation of pollution control (Distilleries, Textiles, Sugar, Cement, Thermal power) (January 20-22, 2016)

1. Pollution Control and Waste Management in Sugar and Distillery Units (February 21-25, 2011)
>> List of participants

2.CDM and Carbon Trading: Case Studies (January 31- February 02, 2012)
>> List of participants

3.Zero Liquid Discharge in Agro-based Industries (January 14-18, 2013)
>> List of participants

4.Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Industrial Sector (February 05-07, 2012)
>> List of participants

5.Four R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover – Case Studies (January 05-07, 2016)
>> List of participants

6.Environment Monitoring, control and implementation of pollution control (Distilleries, Textiles, Sugar, Cement, Thermal power) (January 20-22, 2016)
>> List of participants