Best Practices-I
Title of the Practice: :
Training for farmers (Oos Sheti Dnyanyag & Dnyanlaxmi)
Objectives of the Practice:
- To cover every aspect of the recent developments in sugarcane cultivation
- To train the farmers for cultivation of sugarcane with complete process
- To make farmers to aware about technology development in sugarcane cultivation
- To make farmers to aware about management of sugarcane cultivation
Practice :
In the remembrance of Founder President of VSI, Late Padmabhushan Dr. Vasantdada Patil, Oos Sheti Dnyanlaxmi and Oos Sheti Dnyanyag a 5 days residential training programmes is organized every year in different batches for women and men sugarcane growers of Maharashtra State. This Training programme is conducted in the form of theory lectures and practical field demonstrations on various topics comprising modern and scientific sugarcane cultivation technologies covering the topics like sugarcane varieties & varietal planning, three-tier seed nursery programme & its implementation, tissue culture, modern planting techniques, weed management, soil fertility & fertilizer management, irrigation water management, use of bio-fertilizers, growth stages of sugarcane crop, farm mechanization, sugarcane economics, ratoon management, integrated disease & pest management etc.
Content :
In order to create awareness about every aspect of sugarcane cultivation in farmers, there is necessity to train them theoretically and practically through demonstrations. Such training will help them to increase their sugarcane production by overcoming their various problems and further, it will help to increase their income. The students admitting to the institute are mainly coming from rural background and their parent’s profession is mainly farming. Thus, such activities are helping in boosting the rural economy.
Evidence of Success: :
The 1st phase of the year 2018, training programme was conductedinto four batches during June to July 2018. In this, 1st batch of Oos Sheti Dnyanlaxmi program was conducted on 25th - 30th June 2018 and inaugurated by women farmers of the participants and Agriculture Heads of sections from VSI. Total 176 participants from 11 Sugar Mills were present.
The training programme of 1st batch was conducted by Agriculture Scientists and Technical Staff of VSI into during 18-22 June 2019 and total 111 participants from five sugar mills were present. 2nd batch of Oos Sheti Dnyanlaxmi program was conducted from 25th - 30th June 2019 and total 231 participants from five Sugar Mills were present.
In two batches during December 21 - 24 & 28 – 31, 2021 and remaining batches were conducted during January to March 2022. In Oos Sheti Dnyanyag and Dnyanlaxmi training programs total 558 (11 sugarcane farmers were participated individually and rest of the farmers were deputed by 22 sugar mills) sugarcane farmers were participated from different parts of Maharashtra.
In five batches (5th July -6th August 2022), total 968 (women = 173 and men = 795) candidates have participated.
The representative trainee farmers expressed satisfaction about the training. Farmers were able to apply the gained knowledge in cultivation of sugarcane and improve the production efficiency. Further, many farmers were able to increase their income.Problems encountered and resources required
- Number of participants does not the match the expected numbers.
- Less interest from the farmers towards registration.