Sugar Technology Research
Applied Research & Development
Different projects are undertaken for the improvement of sugar manufacturing process under Applied Research & Development activities. Processing of raw sugar independently and also along with sugar cane has been successfully implemented in some of the sugar factories where raw sugar reprocessing was done. The institute also proposed and extended technical support for establishing a beet sugar production unit from sugar beet in the state of Maharashtra.
Sugar Technologists work relentlessly with an intention to review research work, finding new research areas in the process of sugar manufacturing; undertake projects/sanctioned projects and promote new technologies. In the last three decades, the Sugar Technology Department completed about 112 projects many of them were successfully implemented in the industry.
On-going Research Projects
Ongoing research projects
1) A study on shelf life of white sugar with respect to storage at varying relative humidity and temperature.
2) Need of Clarification of intermediate molasses for better keeping quality of sugar
3) Reduction of conductivity Ash % and colour in sugar at Centrifugal station
4) Reduction of Sugar loss in filter cake.
5) Effect of juice composition on clarification.
Completed Notable Projects
Completed Notable Projects
Computer controlled Juice flow stabilisation system. (Patented)
Reduction in final molasses purity
Development of individual mill extraction method
Assessment of microbial count and further sugar loss in sugar manufacturing process
Beet juice extraction and processing with cane juice
Trials of low retention juice sulphiters
Development of new three and half massecuite (A2) boiling scheme for reduction of sugar loss in final molasses
Sugar keeping quality study
Different alternatives for ethanol production
Combined processing of raw sugar melt with cane juice
Sugar fortification with vitamin-A
Development of new turbidity method for boiling house products. (Accepted by ICUMSA)
Sugar colour improvement through colour audit
A study on Steam saving in Maharashtra co-operative sugar factories
Development of automatic direct cane sampling and analysis system (DCSAS) for cane payment based on sucrose content
Studies on improving molasses quality and effect of Sludge, VFA, SO2 content on fermentation process
Development of syrup melter for low grade sugar melting
Development of standards and guidelines for water conservation and waste water discharges in sugar mills
Assessment of Fluid Magnetic Technology
Pilot trials using ceramic membrane in sugar processing
Comparative study on excess condensate quality of different sugar mills
Use of hydro- jet system for evaporator tube cleaning so as to save the chemical, water & reduce load on ETP
Comparative study of Sulphited juice temperature between 95oC and 102oC
Reduction of SO2 emission by increasing the efficiency of the gas absorption tower