1. Sugarcane Micro propagation
Development of cost effective micropropagation protocol for faster multiplication of sugarcane varieties. Scientists also undertake laboratory and green house experiments to find new or modified protocol of sugarcane micropropagation so as to reduce the cost of production of micropropagated sugarcane plantlets...
2. Development elite varieties of sugarcane -
Under crop improvement programme activities for development of drought tolerant, salt tolerant, disease resistant and high sugar sugarcane varieties by employing Callus Culture and In-vitro Mutagenesis technique. About 10000 somaclones (mutants) have been developed out of which 500 selected soma clones have been tested for their field performance in different rod-row field trials. Out of this 21 somaclones have been selected which have salt tolerant ability and high sugar characters.
3. Vasant Urja: A Versatile Multipurpose Biopolymer Derivative
Development and improved biopolymer derivatives for different applications in crop responses for Biotic, abiotic stress studies as well as crop yield improvements.
Current Research Projects
1. Sugarcane Micro propagation
2. Vasant Urja: A Versatile Multipurpose Biopolymer Derivative