Agricultural Engineering - Research
Research Objectives
1) To conduct research experiments with regards to conventional, sprinkler and drip irrigations so as to develop an efficient and appropriate water management technology to improve water-use-efficiency.
2) To evaluate various micro irrigation systems in sugarcane agriculture with respect to its hydraulic performance, uniformity in water distribution, water use efficiency and its economic feasibility.
3) To increase fertilizer-use-efficiency through fertigation technique.
4) To design and development of appropriate agricultural drainage systems for reclamation of problematic soils.
5) To design, development and field-testing of various agricultural implements.
6) To taken the field trials of mechanical sugarcane harvester.
The following research recommendations have been released by this section
• 75 % of recommended dose of chemical fertilizers in the form of Urea, Diammonium Phosphate and Muriate of Potash in four equal splits at planting and at the interval of 45 days up to 4.5 months of crop age through Raingun sprinkler irrigation system is recommended in sugarcane crop- Joint Agresco at DBSKKV, Dapoli – June 2006.
• Under drip irrigation system, in medium black soil, the application of FYM @ 25 t/ha and fertigation of 70 % recommended dose of N and K fertilizers in the form of Urea and Muriate of Potash in thirteen equal splits at planting and at an interval of 15 days up to 6 months of crop age along with recommended dose of P in two splits (at planting and at final earthing up after 4 months of planting) through soil application is recommended in sugarcane. – Joint Agresco at MPKV, Rahuri- June 2008.
• The VSI developed mechanical sugarcane planter is recommended for planting in furrow spacing of 0.90 m, 1.20 m, 1.50 m and paired row spacing of 0.90 - 1.80 m to get more than 72% germination with 48.05% saving in cost of planting in comparison with conventional manual planting – Joint Agresco at Nagpur- May 2009.
• Intercropping of Lady’s finger in suru sugarcane in paired row method ( 90-180 cm) under Rain gun sprinkler irrigation system for higher yield and monitory returns is recommended. – Joint Agresco at DBSKKV, Dapoli- May 2010.
• A sett treatment of Acetobacter @ 3 lit. /ha, application of 10% N and 70% P through DAP briquettes in two equal splits at planting and earthing up and 25% N and 70% K through Urea and Muriate of Potash respectively in twelve equal splits starting from planting at an interval of fifteen days through drip irrigation is recommended for higher productivity and monitory returns of suru sugarcane- Joint Agresco at MPKV, Rahuri - May 2011.
• Application of 70% of recommended dose of NPK in the form of Urea, Phosphoric acid (61% P2O5) and Muriate of Potash respectively in thirteen equal splits starting from planting at an interval of 15 days up to 6 months through drip irrigation is recommended for higher productivity and monetary returns in pre-seasonal and ratoon sugarcane - Joint Agresco at DVNMAU, Parbhani- June 2013
• Tractor operated (50 H.P.) earthing up equipment developed by Vasantdada Sugar Institute is recommended for heavy earthingup operation in single row planting of 4 ft. or 5 ft. and paired row planting of 2.5 X 5 ft. in sugarcane crop - Joint Agresco at MPKV, Rahuri - May 2015.
• Application of 60% recommended dose of NPK nutrients in the form of Urea, Phosphoric acid and Muriate of potash in 19 splits at fortnight interval up to 9 months crop age as per following schedule is recommended in suru sugarcane for higher yield and returns under drip irrigation in medium deep soils- Joint Agresco at PDKV, Akola- May 2016.
• In tropical region , planting of sugarcane at 120cm distanceand sowing of green manurea At 30 DAP for terminating at 75 DAP to cover the surface as mulch and then intercropping at 110DAP should be adopted for higher cane productivity and water use efficiency at optimum IW/CPE ratio of 0.8 – Group meeting AICRP on sugarcane at Dharwad- October 2019.
On Going Research Trials :
1) Moisture Conservation Studies through Mulching under Drip Irrigation in Sugarcane Crop
2) Response of Biostimulator(Vasant Urja) for Water Stress Management in Sugarcane under Drip Irrigation
3) Development of Sugarcane Loader
4) Development and Field Trials of Sugarcane Ratoon Management Equipment