
With our consistent efforts since establishment, the instrumentation in sugar industry continues to grow in both applications and sophistication. The old pneumatic/ electrical/ electromechanical instrumentation systems have been replaced by advanced electronic instrumentation such as smart transmitters, control valves with smart positioners, mass./ vortex/ magnetic flowmeters, PLC, SCADA, DCS etc. Also, due to our continued guidelines the technocrats are now fully aware the role of instrumentation and automation for Energy and Fuel saving, Reduction in cost of production, Improvement in efficiency, Elimination in manual error, Reduction in sugar losses etc.
Design, development and installation of automation systems in various sugar factories:
• Auto Cane Feed Control System
• Imbibition Water Flow Control System
• Steam Pressure Reducing System
• Automatic pH control system
Project consultancy in I &C for sugar, co-generation, distillery and ethanol plants
Consultancy for complete Sugar Factory Automation
Solutions to specific problems in pressure, flow, temperature, level measurement & control systems in sugar, cogeneration and distillery plants
Rectification, overhauling and calibration of polarimeters
Investigations of causes of inefficient boilers in various sugar factories
Calibration of process and laboratory instrumentation systems as per ISO 9001:2015
Total 1049 trainees trained in two short term training programmes i.e. ‘Repairs and
Maintenance of Sugar Factory Instruments’ and ‘Techniques in Analytical Instruments’
The department had conducted Special training programs in I&C to technical staff from other countries viz. Fiji, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda and Vietnam.