Plant Breeding Achievement
The breeding work for development of new varieties was started since, 1986 under the programme of All India Coordinated Project on Sugarcane [AICRP (S)] of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. The institute has released and contributed the following sugarcane varieties for the sugar industry of the Maharashtra State.
1. CoC 671: An early maturing and high sugared variety released during 1994, for the state which made a revolution in sugar industry due to high yielding and high sugar characters.
2. CoVSI 9805: A midlate maturing, high yielding, high sugared, non-lodging (erect growing), multi-ratooning variety suitable for mechanization was released during 2009.
3. VSI 434: An early maturing (10th month), high sugared, high yielding, multi-ratooning variety developed by tissue culture section of this institute, which was tested and released by the Plant Breeding section. The variety released in the year 2012.
4. CoVSI 03102: A midlate maturing, high yielding, high sugared, non-lodging (erect growing), multi-ratooning, variety suitable for mechanization was released during 2016. The variety is recommended for high rainfall region of Maharashtra State.
5. VSI 12121 (VSI 08005): A midlate maturing, high yielding, high sugared, fast growing, multi-ratooning, high fiber, drought tolerant variety was released during 2018.
6. This discipline also contributed other varieties like Co 8014 (released in 1995), Co 86032 (1996), Co 94012 (2006), CoM 0265 (2007), MS 10001 (2017) and CoM 9057 (CoM 12085) (2019) by generating the data with the help of large number of research trials. In 1985 the Institute has been recognized as one of the volunteer center under the fluff supply program and zonal varietal trials by AICRP(S).