
The Agricultural Microbiology Section works on various aspects of soil fertility management- Soil and Plant health, recycling of agro-industrial waste & development of biofertilizers, biopesticides and secondary metabolites.
Research carried out in the section is reviewed and recommended through state agricultural university – Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Maharashtra. Finally recommendations are given by Joint Agresco committee comprising of four agricultural universities.
Year- 2006-07
For sugarcane application of Acetobacter diazotrophicus bioinoculant @ 10 Kg/ha as sett treatment 30 min. in 100 liters of water is recommended for saving of 50% nitrogen.
Year- 2007-08
Application of Azotobacter liquid bioinoculant @ 2.5 lit/ha in two equal splits i.e. as sett treatment ( 1.25 lit Azotobacter liquid bioinoculant in 100 lit of water, sett treatment for 15 minutes) and soil application at earthing up (by drenching with 1.25 lit Azotobacter liquid bioinoculant in 250 lit of water) is recommended for higher yield of sugarcane.
For maximum sugarcane and sugar yield application of Sulphur Oxidizing Microbial (SOM) liquid bioinoculant @ 5 lit./ha. by mixing with compost @ 2 t/ha. at the time of planting is recommended.
Application of enriched compost (@20 t/ha coupled with bagasse ash (@1.5 t/ha and Silicate Solubilizing Bacterial (SSB) liquid bioinoculant @ 5 lit/ha at the time of sugarcane planting is recommended for higher cane and sugar yield.
Year 2020-21
Application of consortium of potash mobilizing bacterial liquid bioinoculant @ 2.5 lit/ha in 500 lit water at the time of planting by drenching method with 75% of recommended potash source (87 Kg/ha) & 100% recommended dose of Nitrogen & Phosphorous (250 & 115 Kg/ha) is recommended for harvesting maximum cane & sugar yield in Suru sugarcane.