Microbial Count 1x109/ml
Shelf life 1 year
Microbial cultures Glucanoacetobacter diazotrophicus
Dose of Application: 1.0 ltr/acre (2.5 ltr/ha)
Crops to be used Sugarcane and all sugar containing monocotyledons
Method of application
- Sett / ratoon treatment Prepare solution of 1.0 lit Glucanoacetobacter in 200 lit of water and dip the setts for 30 mins.
- Foliar application 1.0 lit / acre in 200-250 lit of water after 60 days of planting till earthing up on sugarcane or ratoon crop in morning.
Packaging size 1.0 lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price Rs.250/- per Lit + 5.0 % GST.
Microbial Count 1x109/ml
Shelf life 1 year
Microbial cultures Mixed formulation of Azotobacter and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (Bacillus megaterium ,Bacillus polymyxa and Pseudomonas striata )
Dose 1 lit/acre or 2.5 lit /ha.
Crops All types of crops.
Method of application
Field application: Add 1 lit /acre (2.5 lit/ha) of liquid Azophospho bioinoculant in 500 kg FYM/compost and mix it uniformly. Add water just sufficient to maintain moisture upto 20-25% and keep it for overnight. Apply this mixture in fields uniformly before planting.Or Add 1 lit liquid Azophospho in 200 lit of water and drench in furrow at the time of planting
Packaging size 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price Rs.250/- per Lit + 5.0 % GST.
Microbial Count 1x109/ml
Shelf life 1 year
Microbial cultures Mixed formulation of seven potash mobilizing bacteria.
Dose 1 lit/acre or 2.5 lit /ha.
Crops All types of crops.
Method of application
Field application: As per recommended dose add 1 lit /acre (2.5 ltr/ha) of liquid potash mobilizing bacterial bioinoculant in 500 kg FYM/compost and mix it uniformly. Add water just sufficient to maintain moisture upto 20-25% and keep it for overnight. Apply this mixture in fields equally before planting.Or Add 1 lit liquid potash mobilizing bacterial bioinoculant in 200 lit of water and drench in furrow at the time of planting
Packaging size 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price Rs.250/- per Lit + 5.0 % GST.
Microbial Count 1x109/ml
Shelf life 1 year
Microbial cultures Mixed formulation of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus circulans, Pseudomonas acidovorans, Pseudomonas fluorescens,Mycobacterium phlei,Proteus mirabilis
Dose 1 lit/acre or 2.5 lit /ha.
Crops Sugar containing Monocots viz. Sugarcane, wheat maize Jowar, Bajara & sugary horticultural crops
Method of application Application of recommended dose of compost @ 25 t/ha coupled with bagasse ash @1.5 t/ha and consortium of Silicate Solubilizing Bacterial (SSB) liquid bioinoculant @ 2.5 lit/ha at the time of planting is recommended for increasing availability of silicon in soil and higher cane & sugar yield.
Packaging size 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price Rs.300/- per Lit + 5.0 % GST.
Microbial Count 1x109/ml
Shelf life 1 year
Microbial cultures Thiobacillus thiooxidans , Actinomyces sp, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus awamori, Penicilium sp
Dose of Application 2.0 lit/acre (5 lit/ha)
Crops to be used Sugarcane & all cereal crops
Method of application 2 lit in 200 lit water & drenching at root zone or Mixing 1lit in 1cartload of half decomposed FYM and broadcasting
Packaging size 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price Rs.300/- per Lit+5.0 % GST
Microbial Count 1x109/ml
Shelf life 1 year
Microbial cultures - Mixed formulation of bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes which supplies iron and zinc to the crops including sugarcane.
Dose 1 lit/acre or 2.5 lit /ha.
Crops All types of crops. Monocotyledons Dicotyledons and fruits and vegetables.
Method of application
Field application- As per recommended dose add 1 ltr /acre (2.5 ltr/ha) of liquid Iron and zinc solubilizing microbial liquid bioinoculant in 500kg of FYM/compost and mix it uniformly in the field.
Packaging size 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price Rs.250/- per Lit+5.0 % GST
Microbial Count - 1x109 /ml
Shelf life - 1 year
Microbial cultures - Bacteria –Cellulomonas sps – 4, Fungi - A awamorie, A niger, P chrysogenum,T viride, Actinomycetes –Streptomyces sps
Method of compost preparation Pit method
1m depth x 1.5m -2m width x 10-15m length
(length may be kept as per requirement)
For sugarcane trash in field /ratoon
Spread trash in alternate of rows or cut trash into small pieces in row only keeping ratoon open.
Then add 50 Kg urea and 50 Kg single super phosphate per acre of ratoon trash or agriculture residues on trash.
Irrigate the trash
Press the trash by animal (bullock) or by tractor
Add ~ 500 Kg dung and 1 lit of liquid decomposing culture maintaining 40-60% moisture and keep it for overnight. Add 1 lit of Azotobacter and 1lit of PSB in cowdung for overnight and spread evenly on irrigated trash.
In this way good quality compost will be ready within 90-120 days.
For PMC and Spent Wash at distillery
• Rate of PMC & Spent wash (1:25)
• Arrange PMC by heap method [4-5 m length (as per requirement) x 1.5 m-2 m width x 1.5 m height]
• Spread spent wash 60% by 3-4 days of interval
• Add Liquid Decomposing Culture in 250 lit of dilute spentwash and spread @ 1lit/ 4 T of PMC
• At every spray of spent wash give turning by aero tiller
• Within 45 days good quality compost will be ready.
For enrichment of compost, Add 1 lit Azophospho in 2 Ton of compost.
Packaging size – 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price - Rs.250/- per Lit + + 5% GST.
Microbial Count - 1x109/ml
Shelf life - 1 year
Microbial cultures - Rhizobium sps and phosphate solubilizing bacteria
Dose - 1 lit/acre or 2.5 lit /ha.
Crops - All types of dicotyledons crops.
Method of application
Seed Treatment : For 10 Kg seeds use 100 ml rhizophospho liquid bioinoculant. Add sufficient water to wet the seeds. Mix well, Keep for 5-10 minutes. Dry in shade and sow as routine practice.
Packaging size – 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price - Rs.250/- per Lit + 5% GST
Microbial Count - 1x109/ml
Shelf life - 1 year
Microbial cultures - Mixed formulation of nitrogen fixer, phosphate & potassium solubilizer, sulfur oxidizer, iron and zinc solubilizers, some photosynthetic bacteria, Lactobacilli & some beneficial yeasts & actinomycetes
Dose :- 4 lit/acre or 10 lit /ha.
Crops :- sugarcane & other all crops, ornamental crops, horticultural crops and
Method of application
Soil application- Drenching @ 4 lit/acre- At the time of planting, 30, 75 and 120 Days after planting in 200 lit water.
Packaging size – 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price - Rs.250/- per Lit + 5% GST
Microbial Count - 1x109/ml
Shelf life - 1 year
Microbial cultures - Mixed formulation of Acetobacter diazotrophicus,Burkholderia sp,Herbaspirillum sp,Azospirillum spand Azoacrus sp.
Dose :- 1 lit/acre or 2.5 lit /ha.
Crops :-Sugar containing Monocots viz. Sugarcane, wheat maize Jowar, Bajara & sugary horticultural crops
Method of application
Foliar application- 1lit in 250 lit of water for 2-4 months old sugarcane or ratoon crop
Packaging size – 1 lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price - Rs.250/- per Lit + 5% GST.

Microbial Count - 1x109/ml
Shelf life - 1 year
Microbial cultures - Mixed formulation of Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma viride, Gliocladium virens,Bacillus subtilis,Pseudomonas flourescens
Dose :- 2 lit/acre or 5 lit /ha.
Crops :- All types of crops. Monocotyledons, Dicotyledons, fruit crops and vegetables.
Method of application
Field application: As per recommended dose add 2 lit/acre (5 lit/ha) of liquid Biofungicides in 500 kg FYM/compost and mix it uniformly. Apply this mixture in fields equally before planting. Or Add 2 lit liquid biofungicide in 200 lit of water and drench in furrow at the time of planting
Packaging size – 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price - Rs.250/- per Lit +5% GST.
Microbial Count - 1x109/ml
Shelf life - 1 year
Microbial cultures - Mixed formulation of Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopilae, Lecanicillium lecanii and Bacillus thuringensis
Dose :- 2 lit/acre or 5 lit /ha.
Crops :- All types of crops. Monocotyledons, Dicotyledons, fruit crops and vegetables.
Method of application
Field application: As per recommended dose add 2ltr /acre (5 lit/ha) of liquid Biopesticides in 500 kg FYM/compost and mix it uniformly. Apply this mixture in fields equally before planting. Or Add 2 litliquid biopesticides in 200 lit of water and drench in furrow at the time of planting
Packaging size – 1lit [5 lit and 20 lit packing made available on request]
Price - Rs.250/- per Lit + 5% GST.
Entomopathogenic Nematode (EPN)

EPN Count 1x104/ml
Shelf life 3 Months
Dose of Application: 1.0 ltr/acre
Crops to be used Crops infested by white grub
Method of application
Before application of EPN, irrigate the field before 2-3 days to maintain soil moisture or if required moisture level is already present in the field then EPN can be applied .Mix 1000ml of EPN in container containing 300 lit of clean water. Mix thoroughly. While drenching, remove the nozzle of Knapsack pump and apply EPN at the root zone area.
Packaging size 1.0 lit
Price Rs.500/- per Lit + 5.0 % GST.

Dose: 5 ton/ ha or 2ton/acre or 200-250 gms /pot
Method of application-: By mixing in soil at planting or sowing. For all crops including sugarcane. More effective for Greenhouse & polyhouse Also useful for garden, terrace garden and pots
Note: For more effect keep moisture content 30-35% of vermicompost
Price: Rs. 10.00/- per Kg+ 5% GST.
N. Earthworms//Vermiculture

Dose: 10,000-12,000 earthworms for half decomposed agricultural waste or
10-15 earthworms/Kg of half decomposed material
Method of application: For preparation of compost from field waste, house waste, garbage, kitchen waste etc. use earhworms like Eisenia foetida or Eudralis euginae
Price: Rs 800/- per Kg+ 5% GST
Special features and Benefits of our valuable products
• Product has fermented fresh smell.
• Saves 50% of costly nitrogenous chemical inputs.
• Protects crops from fungal diseases because of its property to grow on pest & to kill it.
• Non-toxic to human, animals and plants.
• Product is based on naturally occurring bacteria and therefore is biodegradable product.
• Being environment friendly does not disturb ecological balance.
• Triggers natural immunity of crops.