Agricultural Microbiology

Agricultural Microbiology Section has been established in June 1982. In last 37 years, section is engaged in activities like research and development, extension, consultancy, training & transfer of technology. Through continuous research in the field of agricultural, environmental and industrial microbiology of sugar industry, contributed to the soil fertility management, diseases & pest management, increasing crop productivity and control of pollution at sugar industry. The section has major contribution with respect to development of new technologies for mass production of biofertilizers, biocontrol agents, organic manures & vermicompost through intense research. The section also provides consultancy for establishment of biofertilizers & vermicompost production units as well as biocomposting of agro industrial waste to member and non members sugar factories. Section has well established laboratory where in house quality control and microbial analysis of outside sample of biofertilizers, biopesticides, sugar, vermicompost, compost and enriched compost are carried out.